Sunday, September 11, 2016

Summer Days Ending

I seriously thought I wouldn't be sad to see these stifling hot summer days be done with. Every time we've stepped out of the house, we've rushed to the car to sweat as little as possible on the 2 minute trip from door to door, and cranked the AC to the max as soon we settled in. But, as soon as we said goodbye to our pool last weekend, I realized that hot hot summer days are still amazing. Hot hot summer days mean more family time for us, more traveling, being a little more tired from the travels and heat, more grilling, and more outdoor time. Summer is as much the end of the year as December 31st is in a way. School starts, school buses come and go in flocks, rush hour is a little more stressful, and kids go back to living for the weekend (at least I did when I was young)! Sunsets come a little quicker and you start to give in to warm comfort foods just a little easier since you don't have to wear that bathing suit tomorrow...or is that just me?

We've had such a great summer. As soon as it began, I knew it'd fly by. We started off with our big move from Baltimore to Charlotte, and then 3 months later, moved into our dream home that still has several projects to do! We also suffered a miscarriage that rocked our world for a few months, and when I still dwell on that day when I knew we lost her, tears still come to my eyes. But, God is good. He is sovereign in all His ways and plans.

There have been so many reminders of God's graciousness this summer. I'll be the first to admit that, at first, I thought it may have been a mistake that we moved.  I didn't like our apartment, because my allergies were on fire in that place; we had a miscarriage; Kevin struggled in his job at first; and no one was buying our home in Baltimore! But, remember that quote that goes something like, "don't look at your circumstances..." There are a lot of variations of it, but the gist is: Don't focus on your circumstances, because circumstances ALWAYS change. They are variables in life that we have to take in stride. Sometimes (okay...most of the time) I'm not good at that. I'm great at taking it in stride when the variables are always in my favor, but when it starts going downhill, my circumstances tend to take the limelight in my life over my faith and all the blessings.

But, I've come to learn that even if my circumstance don't change for a long time or don't end up like "my perfect plan," He is and always will be forever good. I'm trying to learn to start each day with a grateful heart. Count my blessings at the beginning and the end of each day.  I am so much a work in progress, but I always will be! That's the joyous news! God uses us when we're broken and learning and not perfect. He wants our struggles to intertwine with our neighbor's struggles and stories so that we can see the bigger picture of God's grace. Isn't that so cool?! No, I don't want to struggle. No, I don't want to hurt or be hurt. But, I do want to see God's kingdom grow, expand, and reach people who are deemed "unreachable." 

Pastor John Gray came to speak at our church today, and wow! I was blown away by his words. He spoke of how David was anointed as king when he was still dirty shepherd boy, but that's exactly how God wanted him. He was the last one chosen from his brothers. He was the unexpected answer. And I'm in a time of my life where I feel that big things are going to happen. We've been in a weird place (and also great places) since coming to Charlotte where we need to just listen and follow God's direction He's planned for us even when we feel unusable or out of touch with Him. We've been wanting to go, go, go, and fix, and get new things, and meet new people, but very few times have I intentionally sat down to listen to God's plan for us now that we're back in the Bible Belt. 

And it's time for me to listen. To be quiet. Turn off my rambling, spaghetti, woman brain, and rest in His promises or I'll always feel lost. I challenge you to do the same thing! Fall is upon us, and it opens up a new chapter for this year. Let the cool breeze be a gentle reminder that God can change you as well as the season. He can use you where ever you are in your walk with Him. Be proactive in your faith ( I know I need to be)! Maybe set "Fall and Winter 2016 Resolutions." The year isn't over! Take time to sit down, listen to Him, invest in His word, and I promise you'll reap the benefits. He's waiting for you and me to do this.

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